Want to Live in a Great Place? Find an Age-Friendly City—or Town

Walkable streets, affordable housing, transit options—the list is long but some communities are working to become age-friendly

Among other things, an age-friendly community is walkable and safe, with opportunities for older people to find a job or volunteer, and to connect with others.

A Stranger Just Called Her ‘Sweetie.’ How Does She Feel?

That’s ageism in action—and it can undermine her health

The language used to describe aging, the way people talk to and about seniors, matters. Ageism can hurt your health, research shows. Shedding negative stereotypes and embracing positive attitudes now can help make life better as you get older.

What Is Old Age For?

A bold thinker explores the role aging played in human evolution and celebrates today’s ‘windfall’ of older people

Old age is humanity’s greatest invention, and on an even deeper level, it invented us. Old age transformed the way our most distant ancestors gave birth, reared their young, lived together, and fed themselves. Later it propelled the development of culture, language, and society.

What’s More Effective at the End of Life Than a Living Will?

A POLST form can focus on your goals for the time you have left

For many of us, having a signed, notarized advance directive or living will engenders a sense of security. Once our medical wishes are set down in black and white, we feel confident they will be honored if we become incapacitated.

About Us

The Silver Century Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2002 to promote a positive view of aging. The foundation is shining a light on entrenched societal ageism. We challenge stereotypes, encourage dialogue between generations, advocate planning for the


The Silver Century Foundation provides grants for projects that are building an age-friendly society where older people are a valued part of the mainstream. We fund ventures that: Combat ageism. We are particularly interested in countering negative stereotypes portrayed on

Ashton Applewhite

Author and activist Ashton Applewhite has been recognized by the New York Times, National Public Radio and the American Society on Aging as an expert on ageism. She blogs at This Chair Rocks, speaks widely, and is the author of

Margaret Gullette

Margaret Morganroth Gullette is the author of Ending Ageism, or How Not to Shoot Old People (2018), which won both the MLA Prize for Independent Scholars and the APA’s Denmark Award for Contributions to Women and Aging. Gullette’s previous books—Agewise and Declining to Decline—also won awards,


Concerned about an onslaught of enfeebled old people? Don’t worry, robots will take care of them! American techno-optimism knows no bounds, and so-called “age-independence” technologies are proliferating like crazy. But in a profoundly ageist culture, the implications can be disturbing.

Yo, Am I Ageist?

Unless you are Peter Pan, one day you’ll be old. I don’t want to experience discrimination because of a date on my birth certificate. I don’t want people to lump me into a one-size-fits-all assumption based solely on my age.

Do I Smell Old?

When I was a teenager, I worried sometimes about whether I had bad breath or BO (body odor). Advertising campaigns regularly demonized these and other normal, human smells, and that sold a lot of toothpaste, mouthwash and deodorant.  My concerns