Anastasia Canell

Anastasia Canell has a PhD in clinical geropsychology, a specialty that focuses on understanding and helping older people and their families. As a postdoctoral fellow, she works in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and elsewhere, providing psychotherapy for individuals and groups. She also does research and has written and spoken extensively about issues associated with aging, such as the way becoming an older person’s caregiver impacts young adults (18 to 25).

  • An Unusual Friendship May 29, 2024 by Anastasia Canell - I was sitting in my college dorm room, looking out the window as fluffy snow slowly fell from the sky. Snow in Baltimore was a pleasant surprise, a well-needed respite from my busy sophomore-year course load. I was interrupted when
  • Grandma-Sitting April 18, 2024 by Anastasia Canell - Group text message thread of five teenage girls:  Hey, would anyone want to come over tonight to hangout? My parents bought Cosmic Brownies and we can rent a movie from Blockbuster. I’m in!  What time? I can come over after