- Pain in the Bag December 10, 2012 - Ok, we can have it all—but must we carry it all? Noticing that I use a very small purse, my daughter’s chiropractor commented that I wasn’t likely to need her services for the many aches and pains caused by women’s…
- Characters I Almost Missed September 28, 2012 - “You will get paid to read and review current fiction if it has a compelling story with an aging protagonist.” Sounds like a good news-bad news joke, right?
- Watch Your Language! September 24, 2012 - Never use the word old. That’s the advice everyone gives us, but it’s hard to follow on a website devoted to the subject of aging. Most Americans in their middle and later years are turned off by terms like old people and old age and by most of the euphemisms that stand in for them.